For most hotels around the globe, peak season is the period during the year when they make most of their profits. Your hotel is completely booked with most of the rooms taken, the number of occupants is year-high, and you are able to sell the most additional items that don’t have anything to do with room rental.

This means that during this period, your hotel employees have the most work and you are operating near your full capacities. So, if you aren’t using a hotel PMS, should you decide to make the jump now during peak season?

Many hoteliers don’t have a cloud-based hotel management software and they are afraid of making the transition for numerous reasons, but today we are going to prove to you that you need to make the switch during your busiest period.

How Peak Season Can Help You Decide To Make The Jump

If you are still reluctant to adopt a cloud-based hotel property management system, your peak season can be the reference point that shows you whether you need one. If your whole organization is inefficient, you make a lot of mistakes and forget bookings during peak season then you need a cloud PMS.

These systems are designed to help improve overall efficiency, streamlines processes and help you get the most out of your organization. If everything seems planned and calculated on your part, but you are still struggling during peak season and making costly mistakes – you need to implement a cloud-based property management system.

Make The Switch in Just a Couple of Days

I understand that what I’m saying might sound crazy to you. Making this kind of switch during peak season doesn’t seem like a good idea, as cloud hotel PMS solutions need a lot of time to be installed, set up, and configured before you can start seeing the positive effects of the benefits they offer.

But in reality, if you look for a modern all-in-one cloud PMS like mycloud and learn more about it, you will find out that it takes 4 hours to live without any complex processes that would harm the operations of your hotel. With mycloud, the switch is very simple as it offers:

  • Quick implementation and easy setup that takes only a few days.
  • Fast data migration from any older PMS to mycloud.
  • No need to train employees to use the software, as it’s intuitive and employees can focus on the guests.

Analyze all your data to make better decisions

All the data that you gathered with your old PMS can easily be migrated into mycloud and you can start using it to its fullest potential.

Every hotel needs to start using valuable data, guest information, and market trends to make better decisions that have a higher chance of being productive for your hotel, especially during peak season.

You need to have all the facts in front of you before you can make changes, offer new packages, or adjust your service. Knowing which parts of your hotel operations are performing well and which are not is crucial for making informed decisions. There are 4 ways to do this with mycloud:

1. Gather local market data an analyze it.

2. Get an update on your competitors and their operations.

3. Learn more about guests and their needs to offer better services.

4. Improve your online presence through reviews, ratings, and reputation management.

Improve Your Guest Care

Many hotel managers think that PMS solutions take more of employee’s time, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth. Comprehensive, integrated, and all-in-one solutions like mycloud make an employee’s job a lot easier and provide automation. This saves your staff a lot of time and allows them to do various tasks more quickly than before.

This means that employees will not only provide quick solutions for guests, but they will also have more face time with them. During peak season, it’s absolutely essential for managing the needs of guests in person, as this is the best way to impress them and turn them into loyal guests that will keep coming season after season.

If you find the right cloud-based hotel management software that has all the newest features and capabilities, you will be able to implement and start using it in just a couple of days, regardless of whether you are doing this during your busiest time of year. If you’re still in doubt try out the mycloud demo or contact us for more information on how to make this process as simple as possible.

hotel software demo